Last night I decided to introduce Ethan to American Idol. If you know about his performing skills, you completely understand why I would think this would appeal to him.
The first contestant of this episode did not make it through to Hollywood...and she left the audition weeping ferociously. Ethan turned to me in complete bewilderment and said..."I don't like that." As we continued to watch, several performers made it through and burst out the double doors with smiles and hugs for their loved ones. But sweet Ethan just could not knock the fact that some people just weren't good enough and throughout the entire hour he kept mentioning how sad he was for the girl that cried. Finally at the end of the show Ethan looked at me with those gorgeous eyes and those huge lips and so innocently said, "mommy, I do not like it when people do not make it through to Hollywood...and I am not ever doing that competition!"
Ethan never ceases to amaze me. While he is 100% boy and can throw back the craziest ninja moves all day long, his innate sensibility for others always shines through. He has that sparkle that is so unique...he is kind and I love that about him. I hope he never loses that - I don't think he will - I think it is just part of his core.
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